Sarah K.L.Wilson a Intervistiamo – autrice USA Bestselling
Who is Sarah K. L. Wilson? Tell us something about you!
I’m a mother of two boys who lives in rural Canada. It is so cold here in the winter that my eyelashes freeze to my cheeks so I prefer to stay indoors and write.
What do you usually like to read? What genre?
I read fantasy – primarily deeply emotional fantasy like T. Kingfisher and Juliette Marillier – and the occasional romantic comedy.
The book you wrote that you are most attached to and why.
The whole Bluebeard’s Secret series is the piece I’m most attached to because I put so much of myself and my soul into the characters, setting and plot. It’s all my hopes and dreams played out in a fantasy dream.
Tell us a bit about how your writing career is going on.
I’ve been publishing now for six years and I have more than eighty titles available to read. I love to share my books with the world and I’m so pleased to have Italian and German translations in the works!
Besides Bluebeard, is there any fairy tale you are tied to? Or that you would revisit for a retelling?
I have a book called “Married by War” coming out in September that is a loose Goose Girl retelling. Most fairytales are utterly horrifying but they make excellent retellings! Take, for instance, Robin McKinley’s haunting “Deerskin” which is a retelling of “Donkeyskin.” I’m certain I’ll want to delve into this world again!
One thing that cannot be missing in your books.
I think the mix of humor and horror is the best part of my books. Whether it’s a talking severed head poking fun at you or a selfish Duke who loves a ghost macaw, I try to deliver with that.
What’s your next project?
I’m working on a series of stand-alone paladin fantasy romances. I’m very excited about them!
Thank you Sarah! See you soon at 13 for review party of “Bluebeard’s secret – Fly with the arrow” (italian edition).
Chi è Sarah K.L. Wilson? Dicci qualcosa di te!
Sono mamma di due ragazzi che vivono nel Canada rurale. Fa così freddo qui che le ciglia si attaccano alle mie guance così preferisco restare al chiuso e scrivere.
Cosa preferisci leggere, quale genere?
Io leggo fantasy – prima di tutto fantasy che emozionano, come T. Kingfisher e Juliette Marillier – e, occasionalmente, commedie romantiche.